A Zen Mind Guided Meditations
Quiet your thoughts, take a deep breath, and experience pure mindfulness & relaxation with A Zen Mind Guided Meditations & Visualizations 🤍 Journey within to connect with your highest potential 💫 Let go of the thoughts or emotions that no longer serve you, and welcome healing, inner peace, wisdom, and harmony within🕊️ ✨ New meditations uploaded every Wednesday 💗
With Love & Light,
xo Jo
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98 episodes
Softly Into Sleep: Perfect Sleep Meditation for Deep Rest
💤This meditation is designed to guide you gently into rest, helping you release the weight of the day and surrender to a peaceful night’s sleep. It’s about letting go, relaxing deeply, and allowing yourself to simply be.Through this soot...

Feel Your Vision & Feed Your Truth: Guided Meditation for Manifestation & Success
✨ This meditation is designed to help you step into your power as the creator of your reality. It’s not about thinking your desires into existence but feeling them into being. Aligning with the energy of all that you are, and ...

Mindful Reflect & Reset - Guided Meditation for a Fresh Start
This meditation is a perfect way to welcome in the new year (or any time you're seeking a fresh start) đź’–. This time invites you to take a moment to reflect on the journey you've walked, shedding what no longer serves you and welcoming the energ...

Powerful Breathwork Meditation for Deep Inner Peace, Ease, & Flow
This meditation focuses on the healing power of the Three-Part Breath, a Pranayama technique that can bring deep relaxation and clarity. Through gentle guidance, you’ll be led into a state of peaceful stillness, where your breath becomes your a...

12 Minute Evening Gratitude Meditation
This meditation is the perfect way to wind down at the end of your day or as you prepare to gently drift off to sleep. It’s an opportunity to slow down, breathe, and sink into a deep state of gratitude and appreciation—not just for what you hav...

Acknowledging You: Meditation for Self-Validation & Inner Compassion
This meditation is all about exploring self-validation, and extending kindness inward. Here, you’ll be guided through acknowledging and honoring your emotions and experiences without judgment or the need for external approval. Through this refl...

Energetic Cleanse: Purify, Release, and Renew - Guided Visualization
This guided visualization invites you into a sacred energetic shower, a space of renewal and release. Here, you can wash away the weight of the day and free yourself from anything that may be weighing down your energy or aura. Through this visu...

Just Be: Guided Meditation for Stillness, Peace, & Presence
This meditation is a gentle invitation to simply be. In a world where we are conditioned to always be doing—whether it's thinking, planning, reminiscing, or preparing—our minds are constantly pulled in a thousand directions. B...

10-Minute Self Check-In Guided Meditation - How Am I?
We so often find ourselves asking others, "How are you?"—a common gesture of care and connection. Yet, how often do we pause to ask ourselves the same question? This 10-minute meditation is an opportunity to turn inward and check in wi...

Unconditional Self Love, Acceptance, & Assurance: Guided Meditation
This meditation focuses on cultivating unconditional, unwavering self-love and acceptance. It goes far beyond the external, encouraging a shift in perspective on what unconditional self-love truly means. In this session, we’ll nurture gratitude...

Connect With Your Higher Self & Step Into Your Power: Guided Meditation
This meditation invites you to connect deeply with your Higher Self - the version of you that has achieved all your dreams, and embodies your fullest potential. Through this alignment, you’ll tap into the frequency of your desires, man...

Healing Sleep Affirmations for Deep Rest, Inner Peace & Renewal
This guided meditation has been created to help you sink into a deep restorative sleep. This meditation begins with a deep breathing exercise, easing you into a state of relaxation. As you drift deeper, gentle affirmations will guide you into a...

Heart of Gratitude: Guided Meditation for Love, Peace, & Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves. It reminds us of the blessings present in our lives; both big and small, aligning us with even more abundance. This meditation is designed to offer you space to cultivate deep grati...

Declutter Your Mind: Morning Meditation for Focus & Clarity
This meditation is the perfect way to welcome in a new day, and was created to help you declutter your mind- letting go of thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you, and creating space for divine, intentional energy to flourish. This medit...

Comfort & Calm: Guided Meditation for Nervous System Reset (Deep Body & Mind Relaxation)
This meditation was created for you to access deep, blissful relaxation, for both your body and mind, helping you to reset your nervous system, and access a soothing state of inner peace & calm. Utilizing Ujjayi Breath—a common technique us...

Free Your Mind | Releasing Negativity and Finding Balance - Guided Meditation
During this meditation, you'll be gently led through a process of releasing negativity and restoring balance within. Whether you're carrying stress, frustration, or feelings of overwhelm, this meditation was created to help you let go of the he...

10 Minute Meditation for Stress, Anxiety, or Worry
This 10-minute meditation offers the perfect break for those moments when stress or anxiety begins to creep in. These feelings are natural but often signal that you've drifted away from the present moment—worrying about what’s ahead or dwelling...

Relax, You Are Safe | Guided Meditation for Inner Security & Peace
This guided meditation is designed to help cultivate a deep, unwavering sense of peace and security from within. By creating safety internally, it becomes easier to remain unphased by external events and access the reservoir of serenity already...

Discover Your Authentic Self | Guided Visualization
This guided visualization takes you on a journey to discover and reconnect with your most true, authentic self. This meditation focuses on removing the layers of identities that others, and our own selves have places upon us, and returning back...

Morning Light Bath - Guided Morning Meditation
This morning meditation is a gentle and uplifting way to begin your day, filling your entire being with radiant, nurturing light. By focusing on cultivating positivity, love, and light within yourself, this meditation sets the tone for a day wh...

Heal as You Sleep - Guided Meditation for Deep Sleep
This guided meditation is perfect for winding down at the end of your day. As you prepare to drift into a deep, restorative sleep, you'll be soothed by slow, healing affirmations that gently guide you into a state of calm—a space where you can ...

Detachment | Let Them, Let It - Guided Meditation
This meditation is centered on the art of detachment—releasing your hold on people, situations, or outcomes that you may be clinging to too tightly. Attachment often fuels anxiety and a sense of inadequacy, but by consciously turning inward, we...

Reclaim Your Energy & Call Back What is Yours
This meditation focuses on the journey inward to reclaim the energy we have scattered or given away to people, places, and past experiences. During this time, you will be guided into gently and compassionately drawing your focus back to yoursel...

Release & Receive | Let Go & Create Space Within - Guided Meditation
This meditation is a journey into the art of letting go, and the beauty of welcoming in new opportunities & receiving all that life has to offer. Releasing what no longer serves you and creating space for new blessings to pour in. This medi...

Morning Meditation for a Perfect Day - Calm, Centered & Aligned
This morning, offer yourself the beautiful opportunity to turn inwards for a few minutes, to silence your thoughts, to set your intentions, and to come into your most powerful, centered and grounded energy. By aligning yourself with calmness an...